Seven Crimes and Punishments version: A version with new vocals and instrumentals featured on the bonus disc for Seven Crimes and Punishments. It was later uploaded to YouTube with a new PV on December 27, 2020, and then featured in HISTORY OF The Daughter of Evil.
EVILS THEATERIBIRUZU · SHIATAA悪ノ娘〜凄艶のジェミニ〜ボーカルとサウンドトラックaku NO musume ~seien no JEMINI~ BOOKARU to SAUNDOTORAKKU The Daughter of Evil ~Gemini of Charm~ Vocal and Soundtrackprelude to forestPUREDYUUDO · TU · FORESUTO悪ノ王国aku NO oukoku Evils Kingdom七つの罪と罰nanatsu no tsumi to batsu Seven Crimes and Punishments (Bonus CD)HISTORY OF 悪ノ娘HISTORY OF aku NO musume HISTORY OF The Daughter of Evil
The picture used in the original PV was posted by MAKOTO to Yakei Navi; it has since been deleted from the site.