Hatsune Miku Symphony 2023 Live at Suntory Hall

(はつ)()ミク(ミク)シンフォニー(シンフォニー)2023(2023)( )Live(Live)( )at(at)( )Suntory(Suntory)( )Hall(Hall)hatsune MIKU SHINFONII 2023 Live at Suntory Hall


An album recording of the Miku Symphony performance at Suntory Hall by the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra released on December 20, 2023. While the first disc of the album has a variety of songs composed by different artists, the second disc is dedicated to The Symphony of Evil and features two new bonus songs. The second disc of the album is licensed through KARENT and is available on Apple Music, Amazon Japan, and Spotify.

Tracklist (Disc 2)

  1. Seven Crimes and Punishments
  2. The Lunacy of Duke Venomania
  3. Evil Food Eater Conchita
  4. The Daughter of Evil
  5. The Servant of Evil
  6. gift from the Princess who Brought Sleep
  7. The Tailor of Enbizaka
  8. Judgment of Corruption
  9. The Muzzle of Nemesis
  10. At the End of a Millennium Vow
  11. The Contradictory Grim the End
