The Evillious Chronicles: Simplified Pride Arc Timeline
Once upon a time, reigning at the top Of a fiendish kingdom was a noble girl of age 14. —The Daughter of Evil
Media occuring during the Pride Arc in chronological order.
逆さ墓標のネオマリアsakasa bohyou no NEOMARIA Neomaria of the Inverted Gravestone EC 460s—470s霧ノ娘kiri NO musume "The Daughter of Fog" EC 467—477彼の王は泥より生まれたkano ou wa doro yori umareta That King was Born from Mud EC 470s—480sあの橋に誓ってano hashi ni chikatte Swear an Oath on that Bridge Circa EC 480英雄の鎧は常に紅くeiyuu no yoroi wa tsuneni akaku A Hero's Armor is Always Crimson EC 482—487Lucifenia Trinity EC 460s—487トワイライトプランクTOWAIRAITO PURANKU Twiright Prank EC 491トワイライトプランクTOWAIRAITO PURANKU "Twiright Prank" EC 491少年と少女の冒険shounen to shoujo no bouken "The Adventure of a Boy and a Girl" EC 492悪ノ娘aku NO musume The Daughter of Evil EC 500悪ノ召使aku NO meshitsukai The Servant of Evil EC 500悪ノ娘~velvet mix~aku NO musume ~velvet mix~ The Daughter of Evil ~velvet mix~ EC 500悪ノ召使~velvet mix~aku NO meshitsukai ~velvet mix~ The Servant of Evil ~velvet mix~ EC 500リグレットメッセージRIGURETTO MESSEEJI Regret Message Circa EC 505白ノ娘shiro NO musume The Daughter of White EC 499—505悪ノ娘 黄のクロアテュールaku NO musume ki no KUROATYUURU The Daughter of Evil: Clôture of Yellow EC 500悪ノ娘 銀のルトルーヴェaku NO musume gin no RUTORUUVE "The Daughter of Evil: Retrouver of Silver" EC 500悪ノ娘 緑のヴィーゲンリートaku NO musume midori no VIIGENRIITO The Daughter of Evil: Wiegenlied of Green EC 499—505悪ノ娘 白のノヴェレッテaku NO musume shiro no NOVERETTE "The Daughter of Evil: Novelette of White" EC 500樹の乙女~千年のヴィーゲンリート~itsuki no otome ~sennen no VIIGENRIITO~ Tree Maiden ~Millennium Wiegenlied~ EC 499—500"Horse of Evil" EC 491—500魔ノ双剣ma NO souken "The Demonic Twin Blades" EC 501黒鳥ノ唄kuro tori NO uta "Song of the Black Bird" Circa EC 505悪ノ娘 赤のプラエルディウムaku NO musume aka no PURAERUDIUMU The Daughter of Evil: Praeludium of Red EC 505彼女の理由kanojo no riyuu "Her Reason" EC 499—505悪ノ娘 青のプレファッチオaku NO musume ao no PUREFACCHIO The Daughter of Evil: Praefacio of Blue EC 505針音ノ時計塔shin'on NO tokeitou Handbeat Clocktower EC 505またたきmatataki Blink EC 505悪ノ娘 Illust Storyaku NO musume Illust Story "The Daughter of Evil: Illustration Story" EC 499—505"Horse of Evil" 6th century EC魔道師二人旅~長壁と番人~madoushi futari tabi ~chouheki to bannin~ The Journey of Two Mages ~Great Wall and Watchman~ EC 548"heavenly yard" 6th Century BT—Circa EC 548Reach For The Stars~待ち続けた手紙~Reach For The Stars ~machitsudzuketa tegami~ Reach For The Stars ~The Letter She Kept Waiting For~ Circa EC 562HISTORY OF 悪ノ娘HISTORY OF aku NO musume HISTORY OF The Daughter of Evil Circa EC 460—EC 562