The Evillious Chronicles:
Pride Arc Timeline

Once upon a time, reigning at the top
Of a fiendish kingdom was a noble girl of age 14.

The Daughter of Evil

Events occuring during the Pride Arc.

This timeline is a work in progress and may be missing information from certain sources.

EC 457

EC 461

EC 462

EC 468

EC 473

EC 474

EC 479

EC 480

EC 482

EC 484

EC 485

Circa EC 490

EC 491

EC 492

EC 493

EC 495

EC 499

EC 500

EC 501

EC 505

EC 508

EC 510

EC 531

EC 548

EC 549

EC 558

EC 562


  1. Epic of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Fanbook (悪ノ叙事詩「悪ノ娘」ファンブック), released August 26, 2012.
  2. The Daughter of Evil Schedule Book 2013 (悪ノ娘手帳2013), released December 16, 2012.
  3. Evils Kingdom (悪ノ王国), released December 22, 2010.
  4. Entr’acte of Evil: The Daughter of Evil Worldguide, released August 30, 2011.
  5. Deadly Sins of Evil: Evil Food Eater Conchita (悪ノ大罪 悪食娘コンチータ), released September 24, 2013.
  6. Waltz of Evil: The Deadly Sins of Evil Guidebook (悪ノ円舞曲『悪ノ大罪』ガイドブック), released December 24, 2013.
  7. The Muzzle of Nemesis (ネメシスの銃口), released August 17, 2014.
  8. Deadly Sins of Evil: The Tailor of Enbizaka (悪ノ大罪 円尾坂の仕立屋), released December 21, 2015.